Rust for Embedded Systems: How to Build IoT Devices with Rust

Are you tired of dealing with constant glitches and security flaws in your IoT devices? Are you looking for a reliable programming language that can take your embedded system projects to the next level? Look no further than Rust – the language that's making waves in the world of embedded systems and IoT devices.

In this article, we'll explore Rust's benefits and advantages when it comes to building IoT devices, and how you can leverage this powerful language to create secure, efficient, and scalable embedded systems.

Why Rust for IoT?

Rust is a relatively new language that's been gaining popularity in recent years, and for good reason. Its unique combination of high-level abstractions and low-level control offers a perfect balance for developing embedded systems that need to be both flexible and performant.

Here are some of the major advantages Rust brings to the table when it comes to building IoT devices:

Memory safety

In traditional systems programming languages like C and C++, memory safety is a major issue – one wrong memory access can lead to segmentation faults, buffer overflows, and other catastrophic failures that can compromise an entire system. Rust solves this problem by enforcing strict memory safety rules at compile-time, preventing these kinds of errors from ever occurring.

Speed and performance

Rust is a compiled language that's designed to be both fast and efficient, making it an ideal choice for embedded systems that need to be lightning-fast and resource-efficient.

Low-level control

Unlike high-level programming languages that abstract away low-level details, Rust offers powerful low-level control that lets developers tweak and optimize their embedded systems to the nth degree.

Library Support

Rust has a growing library support for embedded system development. This makes it easy for both new and experienced developers to find and utilize tried and tested libraries to easily build their IoT devices.

Getting Started with Rust for IoT

Now that you know why Rust is an excellent choice for IoT device development, let's dive into some practical tips on how to use it effectively for your next project.

1. Choose Your Board

The first step in building an embedded IoT device with Rust is to choose a compatible board. Rust has a growing list of embedded systems that it supports. So the first step in building an IoT device is to choose a board that Rust supports.

The most popular boards are the STM32F3DISCOVERY, STM32F4DISCOVERY, and STM32F7DISCOVERY, but there are many other options available, depending on your needs.

2. Set Up Your Environment

Once you've chosen your board, the next step is to set up your development environment. This includes installing Rust and any additional tools or libraries you might need for your specific project.

Fortunately, Rust has great support when it comes to developing for embedded systems. There are multiple quick-start guides for all the different boards and chips that Rust supports.

3. Write Your Code

Now that your environment is set up and ready to go, it's time to start writing your Rust code. This can be a bit intimidating if you're new to Rust, but there are plenty of resources available to help you get started.

First off, Rust has an excellent documentation, which includes a growing number of resources for embedded systems development.

4. Test and Debug

As with any programming project, it's important to test and debug your code as you go. Fortunately, Rust has a number of built-in debugging tools and testing frameworks built in, which makes this process much easier.


Overall, Rust is an excellent choice for developing IoT devices and embedded systems. Its memory safety, speed, low-level control, and library support make it a standout language that is quickly becoming the go-to choice for many embedded systems developers.

As Rust continues to gain popularity and more libraries are developed, we can expect more and more IoT devices to be built with it. So why not get ahead of the curve and start building your own Rust-powered IoT device today?


  1. Rust Embedded
  2. The Embedded Rust Book

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